Tuesday 17 May 2011

Video production workshop

The University of KwaZulu-Natal's Centre for Creative Arts, in association with Audio Visual Division, invites community organisations to apply for a free workshop on Basic Video Production. 

2011 marks the 10th year of this partnership and a number of previous participants have gone on to find work in the film industry. The workshop is run by Audio Visual, Howard College campus and will take place from 26 to 29 July during the 32nd Durban International Film Festival (DIFF).

The workshop is open to entry-level applicants, preferably those who have not been working in the industry but have a strong desire to pursue video production as a career option. The course will involve practical skills on video camera operation, composition, scripting and video editing. Successful participants will be awarded a certificate of attendance at the completion of the workshop.

 It is important that participants be attached to community organisations as this will provide them with an organisational environment where they can make use of and impart their newly-acquired skills.

 Application Process:

Community organisations are invited to nominate up to 2 candidates.

Applicants are required to submit a one-page motivation on why they wish to attend the course and how it will benefit their organisation.

An official endorsement by the director of the organisation must accompany the application and should contain a description of the organisation and its full contact details.
Applications must contain full contact details of the applicant.
Applications may be emailed, faxed, delivered or posted to:              

Centre for Creative Arts – Video Production Workshop Application

University of KwaZulu-Natal

Howard College Campus

Durban 4041

.        Emailed to: diff@ukzn.ac.za

.        Faxed to:               (031) 260 3074        

.         Queries may be addressed to:               (031) 260 1817        
Closing date for submissions is 17 June 2011

.         A selection of provisional candidates may be contacted to attend interviews.

.        The final list of successful applicants will be confirmed by the 15 July 2011      

Please note the following:

- The tuition will be in English.

- Participants must attend all the workshop sessions (08h00- 16h00). Lunch will be provided.

- In addition, participants will be obliged to attend 3 film seminars of 2 hours each, involving festival filmmakers. These seminars will be held during the 32nd Durban International Film Festival which runs from 21st July to 31st July 2011.

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