Tuesday 24 May 2011

A festival to celebrate women

The Durban Playhouse presents the South African Women's Arts Festival to celebrate and recognise women's role in the arts and will offer visual arts, drama, comedy, open-mic poetry sessions, dance, and music.

This 15th edition of Sawaf will take place from 29 July to 14 August. Festival components include Rajesh Gopie's show The Coolie Odyssey at the Playhouse Theatre from 5 to 7 August. Award-winning Durban actress Shika Budhoo's acclaimed one-hander, Shikaland, can be seen at the Loft in the Playhouse Theatre from 5 to 7 August.

This year's gala production will be Dance for a Cure, which will be presented on 5 August at the Playhouse Theatre. Staged around the theme of Winds of Change, the gala event combines stunning fashion design with live music and song. The show will be interpreted by local dancers.

Other Sawaf attractions include comedy on 6 August by a number of local acts. The open-mic session will feature inspiring poets, who will all be showing intense creativity. South Africa's celebrated poet, Lebo Mashile, and seven dancers will present her production on 12 and 13 August at the Playhouse's Drama Theatre.

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