Monday 13 February 2012

Auditions for singers, dancers and actors!!!

Attention all you talented folks!!!
Do you consider yourself an actor, musician or dancer?
The South African State Theatre will be holding auditions for a new Musical Theatre production called Freedom, which will be developed by State Theatre Artistic Director, Aubrey Sekhabi, and Resident Director, Mpumelelo Paul Grootboom.

This will be a big inspiring musical production largely based on South Africa’s transition from Apartheid to democracy. The production will have two phases beginning with informal rehearsals in April and lasting until the month of August. The second phase will start from September until the main performances in November/December.

Singers, dancers and actors who will be auditioning are expected to prepare a song and a monologue. Artists should be able to either sing or dance!


DATE: 6-10 March, 2012

TIME: 10:00
Good Luck!

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